Joinchat helps you to chat with your website visitors through their favorite applications, keep in touch with leads, and convert them to buyers.

Are you having a hard time engaging your visitors and making them purchase your products or services? I'll say a big NO, don't worry! Joinchat is here help you gain that trust in you and add to your sales tremendously. Joinchat is a no-code WordPress plugin that can help you gain more leads making use of the contact buttons that connect via various communication tools, which would be undeniably WhatsApp. This can also aid you in reaching prospective customers using the most liked messaging tools like WhatsApp.

Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022
Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022

What is Joinchat

JoinChat is a WordPress plugin that allows you to chat with your website visitors through their favorite applications. With this plugin, you place a button (that can float) at the bottom of your site, which make it easy for people to contact you through their favorite chats if they have any question while they visit your website. By doing so, your users won’t need to open a new tab or go to another page to switch over to a messenger. The new chat instance will open in a new window, eliminating any distraction from browsing. You can download the free version here.

Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022
Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022

Joinchat Highlights

  • Lead captivating tool that enables you to chat with website browsers through their preferred applications
  • Floating button toward the bottom of your website makes it simple for users to communicate with you
  • Directs a visitor to their favorite messaging application, creating a direct and personal connection
  • Allows you to add multiple phone numbers and monitor them of their accessibility
  • Embedding tool to create the content that displays inside the chat popup

Who is Joinchat for?

  • Anyone who wants to increase their conversion rate
  • Anyone who wants to heighten their user engagement
  • Anyone who possesses a WooCommerce store

Joinchat Features

How to increase website conversion rates

You should use Joinchat to enhance the user experience on your website and make it easy for your customers to get in touch with you instantly, through a variety of live chat and messaging services. Joinchat offers a floating button to your site that connects users to customer support teams via WhatsApp and others. Using it, you can Engage visitors with customizable UX elements, like tooltips, notification balloons, texts, images, videos, gifs, and QR codes. You will be able to track user interactions automatically by syncing with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and Google Tag Manager, with all this you will have a 360 view to take care of your clients and share quality content.

Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022
Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022

How to improve customer engagement

If you're searching to improve customer engagement on your website, Joinchat is a great tool to do exactly that. Joinchat permits to add a floating button to your site connecting users to customer support teams via WhatsApp and other messaging services. Plus, you can track user interactions automatically by syncing with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and Google Tag Manager. In conclusion, Joinchat makes it easy for your customers to get in touch with you and ask any questions they may have (at sentence end), leading your business to visible and measurable results.

Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022
Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022

How to create personalized customer experiences

With JoinChat, you can get a floating button in your site connecting users to customer support teams through WhatsApp, and through other messaging services, serving visitors with customizable UX elements, like tooltips, and notifications, pictures, videos, gifs, texts, and QR codes, additionally you can launch dynamic calls to action based on customized triggers that guide users to capture pages, and all of that, moreover, will be possible to track user’s interactions automatically, syncing with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and Google Tag Manager.If you want it all for a low cost price, then get Joinchat today!

Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022
Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022

How to add a contact button to a website

Offer different ways to connect to your users and customize your own website with content, texts, images ever boosting engagement, with a dynamic and practical tool, a plugin designed for wordpress platform. It lets you add a tooltip that can be configured directly from admin panel with special contents and texts and a contacts button for the visitors including messages. Comming back to the tip, while being on the website but also customizing user experience with customizable A&P elements like tooltips, notification balloons, text, images, videos, gifs, and QR codes. Additionally, it's helpful letting a dynamic notification of advises and offers that appears as a visual cue. Above all it's possible to create dynamic action based on triggers for users to return and fill lead capture page for the developers. In terms of metrics and analytics, tracking user interactions is provided automatically by syncing the wordpress plugin with the most important services like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and Google Tag Manager.

Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022
Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022

How to use messaging apps for business

Joinchatt is a marvelous tool that devellopers use in messaging apps por business, giving the ability to add custom buttons to your site leading users directly to your customer support team via WhatsApp and other messaging services. Also, it can be customized with important UX elements, such like tooltips, texts, images, video, notifications, gifs and QR codes, which users can use to get and advance leads for you.

Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022
Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022

Get more customers with Joinchat: the best lead capture tool of 2022

SAAS Central

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Value for Money
Likelihood to recommend


Joinchat is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to chat with your website visitors through their favorite applications. Joinchat places a floating button at the bottom of your site that makes it easy for your users to contact you if they have any questions or feel lost while browsing your website. Engage your own website visitors on their terms and make it easy for them to contact you just with the Joinchat plugin!


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